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15 种最佳 Z-Library 电子书下载替代品

如果您在网站下线后寻找最佳 Z-Library 替代品,那么您已经登陆了正确的网页。

Z-Library 通常被描述为世界上最大的在线图书馆,拥有超过 4,960,000 本图书、电子书、漫画书、有声读物和 77,100,000 篇文章。

遗憾的是,与 Z-Library 相关的几个域已被美国司法部 (DOJ) 根据盗版法没收。


How to use Twitter: An A-Z starter guide

With 330 million monthly active users, Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. But while you may think of it as more news and commentary-focused than a rock-solid investment towards your marketing strategy, Twitter is on the verge of reinvention. Elon Musk bid $44 billion to buy the social media site and intends to, among other ideas, introduce an edit button and open-source algorithm to push Twitter towards becoming, “the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated.”

Additionally, the Washington Post shared that Twitter is cultivating a hyper-engaged user base of teenagers to compete with TikTok and create even more influence with the platform.

How To Get More Plays on SoundCloud: 7 Killer Strategies

As an artist, you are responsible for promoting your own music. So how do you promote yourself to get more plays on SoundCloud?

Here are 5 rock-solid SoundCloud promotion strategies that are relevant for the music industry in 2023. Here’s a snapshot of what you’ll learn:

  • The truth about SoundCloud and promotion

  • One thing you need to get right before you start promoting yourself

  • How to leverage existing audiences to maximize your plays

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图书大百科 是一个由志愿者运营的在线图书馆,提供免费的公共领域书籍。它由 Michael S. Hart 于 1971 年创立,是最古老的数字图书馆。

哈特在发现《独立宣言》印刷本的成本为 1.50 美元后决定创建图书馆,他觉得这太贵了。图书馆现在拥有 60,000 多本免费电子书。


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