, pub-4525999227732152, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 How To Become a Lifelong Learner with PLURALSIGHT — 15 FREE Benefits in 10 FREE Days.
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How To Become a Lifelong Learner with PLURALSIGHT — 15 FREE Benefits in 10 FREE Days.

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

Do you too believe that with technology you have a huge opportunity to progress and develop the skills you need for tomorrow, today? Like Pluralsight does?

Before we dive into What Pluralsight is and Why you might need it to advance your technology skills, here is a true story about me.

A few years ago, about 5 years to be specific, I was learning how to create a website using HTML and CSS and Javascript and PHP and etc…

You might ask why all these, by the way, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP are programming languages if you don’t know.

First of all, I have to admit I didn’t love the fact that one had to learn most of these programming languages in order to create a well-functioning and beautiful website.

Personally, I love programming and I love to create things. Because first of all, If it wasn’t for programming languages who know this machine or laptop I am using to write this wouldn’t be in existence. Maybe something else would have been invented which is similar.

Anyways, So I started learning and creating. I managed to create a few websites using HTML and CSS. The website was looking good and I loved looking at and showing them to my friends and family saying “Here, see the website I created…” and so on.

Now, when it came time to launch the website and make it accessible for people and also make every part of it working like make the buttons work and all that stuff.

In my research on how to launch a website, I came to learn that HTML and CSS are like the look and feel of the website. Things like colors, photos or images, overall graphics, and content of the website.

By the way, if you want to learn how to create beautiful graphics for your website, social media, or print, make sure to check out the Canva Pro tutorial series. And if you don’t have a website you can learn how to create one here.

You see the thing with developing a website is not just on the look and feel and good graphic design but the performance and functionality part is even more important.

Alright, So Pluralsight was one of the first websites I came across while learning to program.

Now PHP and Javascript would be like the core of the website movement and functionality plus the overall performance.

Javascript helps with things like the animations on the website and transitions, while PHP can help you manage your data to an advanced level like managing multiple data or tables.

Well, I don’t know much about these things either and that is why I would like to introduce you to Pluralsight.

Pluralsight is an online learning platform for tech professionals including software developers, marketers, project managers, and many more.

We believe everyone should have the opportunity to create progress through technology and develop the skills of tomorrow… Pluralsight

You might also ask.

Does Pluralsight’s training only include Programming languages like Javascript, PHP, or CSS?

Before we answer that question, you might want to watch this video.

This video explains the unique features and benefits PluralSight offers, and why you should invest in yourself to gain I.T. (Information Technology) knowledge and skills which have proved to be very important for students looking to develop a career in the Creatives and Technology World and overall learn the skills for tomorrow. Lifelong learners.

We’ll dive in-depth into the platform and I’ll give you my opinion about the platform. Is Lifelong Learning worth it? And more.

It’s highly recommended that you utilize the free 10-day trial and see what you can do with Pluralsight’s main two plans Skills and Flow.

Even if you can’t afford to pay a monthly subscription you can Sign up for Pluralsight and get started for *Free* for 10 days.

Pluralsight has great sources on its YouTube channel too.

Alright, now back to your question.

What else can you learn from Pluralsight apart from C++, C# (C-sharp), CSS, and PHP?

Now, Pluralsight, apart from being an online training platform with the Skills part with over 1,500 plus experts helping anyone to learn the skills and master the latest technologies including but not limited to the following:

  • IT (Information Technology) Certifications and Database administration

  • Cloud computing (among the skills companies need)

  • Android and Microsoft Azure development skills

  • Javascript, C#, Python, and other programming languages

  • Business Intelligence, Cyber Security and Ethical hacking,

  • Manufacturing and Design

  • 3D modeling, Architecture & Construction

…among other courses, learning paths, and categories.

There is also the Workflow part of Pluralsight which is especially for startups and huge enterprises looking to increase the performance of their teams.

Flow in Pluralsight has this kind of intelligence that tells and show things like:

  • How many hours are spent on a project

  • Insights into the overall effectiveness of teams

  • What percentage of the team is involved in feedback

  • Recognize project bottlenecks and remove them.

To say the least, Flow in Pluralsight provides unmatched visibility into your team’s workflow patterns. You can identify bottlenecks, compare trends, and help teams increase effectiveness as much as possible.

Can I get Pluralsight for *Free*?

Sure, Pluralsight has a 10-Day Free Trial which you can get now.

What exactly is included in the *Free* Trial?

To show you that there is a lot Pluralsight has to offer, here is what’s included in the Pluralsight 10 Days Free Trial.

15 Benefits that come with Pluralsight’s 10-Day Trial

  1. Entire Courses library (Thousands of expert-led courses across hundreds of tops)

  2. Learning Paths (Know which courses to watch in which order)

  3. Channels (Create custom learning path that aligns to your goals)

  4. Course Discussions (Engage with your expert authors and peers in one place)

  5. Exercise Files (Helpful resources like Instructor notes, course slides, source code)

  6. Mobile & TV Apps (Watch from your convenience anywhere)

  7. Offline viewing (Learn anytime anywhere with offline viewing)

  8. Conferences (Watch recordings of in-demand tech conferences)

  9. Guides (Searchable articles by technology by experts)

  10. Skills IQ (10 questions in 5 minutes to help you measure your skill level)

  11. Role IQ (Find out the skills you need for success and what you need to do about it)

  12. Course learning checks (Short, self-paced to test course material retention)

  13. Certification Practice Exams (Industry-leading practice exams)

  14. Interactive courses (Practice as you learn with hands-on coding challenges)

  15. Projects (Practice skills in real-world in your workspace)

Those are not the only benefits you get even with just the free trial. There is still so much more Pluralsight has to offer including things like Usage analytics showing you hours spent learning, and Trend analytics allowing you to see the most popular courses around the teams.


So the next time you want to up your IT skills you know where to go. Right?

As we have seen, Pluralsight is more than just a learning platform and in fact, even with just the free trial you have a lot of benefits and if I were to talk about how much Pluralsight has to offer, we would need a series of that.

Luckily enough, you can Sign Up for Pluralsight for *Free 10 Days Trial* and get access to the entire courses library, offline viewing, and excise files. I think that alone is a great deal for a lifelong learner.

Because you need to be a Lifelong learner to master the skills of tomorrow, today.

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